Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Californian Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger visited CeBIT 2009

International technology trade fair in Hanover, Germany

During his two-day CeBIT Exhibition promotional tour, the Governor met with various business and elected officials including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Lower Saxony Minister President Christian Wulff and Hannover Lord Mayor Stephan Weil.

In his meeting with Chancellor Merkel, discussions focused on economic stimulus and California’s desire to collaborate with other nations like Germany on climate change.

Schwarzenegger also spoke to 2,000 people, toured the exhibition fairgrounds and received an award from a German trade association for enhancing the relationship between the the U.S. and Germany. By Michael Rothfeld, Los Angeles Times

“Nicht einmal im Traum hätte ich jemals gedacht, dass ich einmal als kalifornischer Gouverneur nach Deutschland zurückkommen werde.“ Seinen Auftritt beendete der ehemalige Action-Schauspieler mit Blick auf Bundeskanzlerin Merkel mit dem kühnen Gruß: "Hasta la vista, Baby!" Focus-Online


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